POS command Description Module
ACTLIST Shows a list of activity reservations on the POS. Optional parameter is the Activity Type as filter. The list is filtered on current location. (Web POS supported) LS ACTIVITY
ACTPAYGROUP Lists all group reservations that are confirmed and not fully paid.  Optional parameter is Reservation Type, which will filter the list based on the specified reservation type. When the group is selected from the list, the group entries (acivities and additional charges),  are pulled into the journal lines for payment. Any entries assigned to the Group Paymaster will be pulled into the journal as well, which might include additional charges to the paymaster and any deposits. When the sale is posted, all related activities and reservations will be updated to status Fully paid. LS ACTIVITY
ACTSTATUS Brings up the timeline view/list and lets the user select an activity from the list and assign new status. The status to be assigned is a required parameter. LS ACTIVITY
ADDPP Command to add prepayment on a transaction.
ADDPP_L Command to add prepayment to a given transaction line.
ADDSALESP Use this command to add another salesperson to the Transaction header, the Staff logged on the POS is eligible for commission calculation as well.
ADDSALESP_L Used to add one or more salespersons to the current Transaction Line, the Staff logged on the POS is eligible for commission calculation as well
ALLOC_STATUS This command is used to mark the POS menu line that contains the GUI – skin, font, and glyphs – for the Allocation status that is selected as parameter.
ALPHANUM_K The Alphanumeric Keyboard Entry. It allows mapping of alphanumeric letter(s) to a single menu entry or a fixed key. Example: Can be used to assign double zero (’00’) to a key.
AMOUNT_K The Amount Key command. It usually works with the TENDER_K (tender key) command to represent a fixed paid amount. AMOUNT_K takes an amount as parameter and the TENDER_K takes a tender type as parameter. AMOUNT_K can also be used with other commands, for example the DISCPR command. Example 1. POS button for payment of fixed amounts such as 10, 50, 100 etc.  Customer pays with a note of 50 and the user presses one button. Setup: Command AMOUNT_K, Parameter 50 (50 is the payment amount), Post Command TENDER_K, Post Parameter 1 (1 is the tender type for cash).
ASSIGN Used to prepare the assignment of a delivery driver to a delivery order. Automatically inserted by program. DELIVERY
ASSIGNUNIT2ACT Assign rental unit to activity (by list) LS ACTIVITY
ASSIGNUNIT2RES Assign rental unit to reservation (by list) LS ACTIVITY
ATTR_CLEAR Delete selected attribute values for transaction. ADDITIONAL
ATTR_GR_CLEAR Delete selected group attribute values for transaction. ADDITIONAL
ATTR_GR_JOURN_ITEMS Show total attribute group for journal ADDITIONAL
ATTR_GR_JOURN_TOTAL Show total attribute group for journal ADDITIONAL
ATTR_GR_LINE_ITEMS Show attribute group for line ADDITIONAL
ATTR_GR_LINE_TOTAL Show total attribute group for line ADDITIONAL
ATTR_GR_SELECTOPTION Select one or more values from each of the attributes in the attribute group. Valid for attribute groups of value type Option Value and Weighted Option. The result is stored in the table Attribute POS Trans. Entry. Note: When used, the panel in question must have code that handles this command, The table Attribute POS Trans. Entry is used to pass down previous selection. To retrieve the selection, subscribe to the event OnAttributeInput. See codeunit Act. Din. Reserv. Controller as an example for usage. ADDITIONAL
ATTR_JOURNAL_ITEMS Show attributes for journal ADDITIONAL
ATTR_JOURNAL_TOTAL Show total attributes for journal ADDITIONAL
ATTR_LINE_ITEMS Show attributes for line ADDITIONAL
ATTR_LINE_TOTAL Show total attributes for line ADDITIONAL
ATTR_SELECT Select one or more values for the attribute or enter amount, number or text for the attribute. Valid for attributes of value type Amount, Date, Numeric, Option Value, Weighted Option and Text.  The result is stored in the table Attribute POS Trans. Entry. Note: When used, the panel in question must have code that handles this command, The table Attribute POS Trans. Entry is used to pass down previous selection. To retrieve the selection, subscribe to the event OnAttributeInput. See codeunit Act. Din. Reserv. Controller as an example for usage. ADDITIONAL
ATTR_SHOW_DINRESERV Show attributes for the selected dining reservation ADDITIONAL
ATTR_SHOW_DINTABLE Show attributes for the selected dining table ADDITIONAL
 ATTR_SHOW_POSTRANS Show attributes for the selected POS transaction ADDITIONAL
AUTOUPD Used for a key button to automatically update the button from a meal plan menu MEALPLAN
AVAILABILITY_MODE Used to set current availability on the POS buttons. HOSPITALITY
AVAILABILITY_STATUS Availability status for Availability Grid. LS ACTIVITY
BACKSPACE This command represents a backspace.
BOMMENTYPE Prints the order lines with the selected menu type (such as starter, main course, desert) on the kitchen printers and monitors. Populates the POS Pop-up form with the menu types of the restaurant. When you select the menu type you want to print, the kitchen printing process prints the order lines with that type. HOSPITALITY
BOOKMATRIX Show & Book Activity Matrix LS ACTIVITY II
BOOKMATRIX2 Show & Book Activity Matrix LS ACTIVITY II
BOOKPACKAGE Book Package activity (parameter product) LS ACTIVITY
BOOKPRODLIST Book single activity from list – (No payment) LS ACTIVITY
BOOKPRODUCT Book single activity – (no payment) LS ACTIVITY
BOOKRESOURCE Book activity from resource (parameter resource) LS ACTIVITY
BUTTON_COPY Copy button
BUTTON_CUT Cut button
BUTTON_DELETE Delete button
BUTTON_PASTE Paste button
BUTTON_PASTE_ATTR Paste button attributes
BUTTON_PASTE_ATTRALL Paste button attributes to all
BUTTON_PROPERTIES Show button card
CALLCENTER A command that opens up the Delivery Overview form. DELIVERY
CANCEL This command cancels the last input or action or returns the system up one level.
CANCEL2 This is a hard cancel command. Basically, calling this command is like calling the CANCEL command twice.
CANCELACTIVITY Return security deposit from current list LS ACTIVITY
CANCELCURRACT Return security deposit from current list LS ACTIVITY
CANCELCURRRES Return security deposit from current list LS ACTIVITY
CANCELRES Return security deposit from current list LS ACTIVITY
CARD This is an internal command. It prompts for a card number.
CARDEXTRA This is an internal command. It prompts for extra card information.
CARDT_K The Cardtype Key command. If a card type needs to be specified in tender declaration or tender remove/float, this command can be used to set the card type.
CARDTYPE This is an internal command. It prompts for a card type.
CH_STAFF Brings lookup of staff in store and changes the staff registered on the sales POS header ADDITIONAL
CH_STAFF_L This command is used as Second command on a Tips Out button to assign a single expense line to individual Staff.  The command is registered in the Additional Module. ADDITIONAL
CHARGE2RES Charge to reservation LS ACTIVITY
CHECK This is an internal command, used by the Price Check (PRICHECHK) command.
CHECK_NEW_MSG Automatic update when POS is idle.
CHECK_TS_STATUS Check Transaction/Web Server Status
CHECKACCESS Check members’ membership and access.
CHECKALLOWANCE Allows the POS operator to check if the client has outstanding allowance, compare the allowance to the current journal lines, and change pricing/discounts if applicable, and finally issue the allowance consumption lines into the POS journal. LS ACTIVITY
CHGPP_L Command to change prepayment on a given transaction line.
CHSALESTYPE_LINES Used to change the sales type of particular transaction lines to a new sales type set by the command parameter. The transaction sales type remains unchanged with the use of this command. For a normal POS, the field Store Sales Type Filter in the Store determines the sales types that are available to change into. It cannot be blank. For a Hospitality POS (hospitality type is active), the POS Terminal Sales Type Filter determines the available sales types. If this filter is blank, the sales types of all the hospitality types in the restaurant are available to change into.
CHSALESTYPE_TRANS With the new POS command CHSALESTYPE_TRANS, you can change the sales type of the current transaction and all its lines to a new sales type set by the command parameter.  For a normal POS, the field Store Sales Type Filter in the Store determines the sales types that are available to change into. It cannot be blank. For a Hospitality POS (hospitality type is active), the POS Terminal Sales Type Filter determines the available sales types. If this filter is blank, the sales types of all the hospitality types in the restaurant are available to change into.
CLEAR_MEDIA_CACHE Clear Media Control Cache
CLEARRES Clears the current active Activity reservation reference priorly set by SELECTRES. LS ACTIVITY
CLOSETRIP A command that closes the selected delivery driver trip (status changes to Closed), indicating that the driver has departed and it is not possible to assign more orders to the trip. Program creates the menu automatically DELIVERY
CO_CANCEL Cancel customer order
CO_CANCEL_LINE Cancels a Customer Order Line. The item will not be delivered to the customer.
CO_CANCEL_ORDER Cancel customer order
CO_CUSTOMER Open customer panel
CO_DEPOSIT_PAYMENT Customer Order deposit payment.
CO_ITEMS Open item panel
CO_LIST_COLLECT Customer order filter list is on to collect orders
CO_LIST_FIND Find Customer Orders from all stores.
CO_LIST_PICK Customer order filter list is on to pick orders
CO_OK Customer order OK
CO_PREPAYMENT Makes it possible for customers to change their mind regarding payments for a Customer Order now or later, while still working on the transaction. When making a Customer Order the user is asked  in a pop-up window “Do you want to pay for ordered items now?” The user the responds with a “Yes” or “No”.
CO_PRINT_SHELF_SLIP Print Customer Order Shelf Slip
CO_PUT_BACK Marks a line to be but back into store or stock location.
CO_PUTBACK_ALL Marks all lines in the Put Back list to be but back into store or stock location.
CO_SALES_SHIPS View Sales Shipments from Customer Orders
CO_SHIPCOLLECT Open collect/ship panel
CO_SHIPPING_AGENT Enter shipping agent for Customer Order.
CO_SHORTAGE_LINE Marks a line as Inventory not available. The item will not be delivered.
CO_VIEW To confirm and close a creation or lookup of a customer order.
COLLECT_ALL Customer Order collect all lines
COLLECT_LINE Customer Order collect line
COLLECTSCANPAYGO When scanning a QR code created at the end of a transaction in the ScanPayGo App, this POS command will retrieve the order from SPG, create a sale transaction in the POS, and put it into total mode ready to receive payment.
CONFIRMACT Confirm activities in journal & clear lines LS ACTIVITY
CONFIRMORDER Inserts the current order, checks and performs kitchen printing, and starts a new transaction in the Sales POS window. This is the same as pressing Exit with a order on screen – instead of Exit, you press confirm and don’t leave the Sales POS window but get a new transaction on the screen.
CONTACT Contact No.
CONTROL This is an internal command. It prompts for a manual authorization code.
CONTROL_ADD Add control
CONTROL_COPY Copy control
CONTROL_CUT Cut control
CONTROL_PASTE Paste control
CONTROL_PROPERTIES Control properties
CONTROL_REMOVE Remove control
CONTROL_SPAN_COLUMN Change control column span
CONTROL_SPAN_ROW Change control row span
COPY_TR Copy a posted transaction (from the Transaction List) to the POS Journal, only item lines and discounts re-calculated
COUPON Coupon key
COUPON_LIST Member coupon list
COVERS Asks for number of guests, used in LS retail Hospitality Optional parameter – infocode, to be able to get guest statistics via the infocode features HOSPITALITY
CREATEORD This command allows to create a sales order from the POS.
CURR_K The Currency Key command. It causes a tender type to be selected as currency and takes a currency code from the Currency Table as parameter. It works in two ways. If an amount is keyed in and the currency key is pressed, the payment takes place in the selected currency. If the currency key alone is pressed, the total amount will be shown in the selected currency.
CURRENCY This is an internal command.
CUSTCOMMENTNEW Create Customer Comments
CUSTCOMMENTSHOW Show Customer Comments
CUSTCREATE Create New Customer
CUSTHISTORY View Customer Sales History
CUSTOM Custom Pre Command
CUSTOMER This is an internal command. It prompts for a customer number.
CUSTOMER_ORDER_LIST Get and show a list of customer orders
CUSTUPDATE Update Customer Information
DATATABLE_PROPERTIES Datatable properties
DEAL Deal is a command to sell a specific deal that has been set up in BackOffice, in Deals. The parameter for the button with this POS command is then the code of the deal that the button is going to sell.
DEALMODADDEXTRA The POS command DEALMODADDEXTRA displays a pop-up with any deal modifiers marked as Show on Extra Request Only. When first requesting extra items, any default selection is shown in the pop-up window. When extra items have been added and extra items are requested again, you can add to your selection (you need to void items that have already been selected to change your selection ADDITIONAL
DEALMODCHANGE With this command you can change the deal modifier item selection for the selected deal (transaction lines that are either the deal header or the lines included in the deal). The deal must include at least one deal modifier. If maximum selection has been reached, the program will inform you. Then you must void a deal modifier item already selected before you can change the deal modifier item selection. ADDITIONAL
DEALMODCHANGELINE With this command the program will automatically void the selected line (the line must contain a deal modifier item) and then bring up the pop-up window so you can select another item. ADDITIONAL
DEALMODSWITCHLINE This command works similar to the Size +/- command except that the change occurs on the selected line only ADDITIONAL
DEALMODSWITCHMOD Used to switch from the selected size items to the same set of items of another size. You can switch from the Regular deal items to the Large deal items by pressing a button. You can do this along as kitchen printing has not taken place. This counts for both deals with selection type Single Modifier and deals with size group deal modifiers
DEFMENU The Default Menu command. When called, it returns the system to the default menu for the mode in which the application is (Start, Sales, Payment, Tender Operation). The default menus are defined in the POS Menu Profile table.
DEL_GRID_REC Delete Grid Record
DEL_LOOKUP_REC Delete Lookup Record
DELCONFIRM A command that opens the Delivery Order form in Confirm mode (the delivery order already exists). Used as a Post Command for a number of delivery functions DELIVERY
DELEDIT A command that edits a delivery order – it opens up an order selected in the POS Client order list in the Delivery Order form in Confirm mode. It shows the order in the Delivery Order form. DELIVERY
DEL-HISTFILTER Posted Delivery Order Filter DELIVERY
DELIVERY A command that starts a new delivery order by first bringing up a dialog window asking for the phone number, and then opening up the Deliery Order form. DELIVERY
DEL-OVERVIEWFUNC Delivery Overview Functions DELIVERY
DELPOST A command that runs a code that posts a delivery order after the sales transaction has been posted. Used as a POS Action Run Command for the End of Transaction Action Trigger. DELIVERY
DELRESET A command that resets some variables for the delivery system and calls the pre-order conversion function. Used as a POS Action Run Command for the Staff Logon Action Trigger DELIVERY
DESIGNMODE POS design mode
DISCAM The Discount Amount command. It allows you to give a discount amount on a specific sales line. This is primarily meant to be used as a menu key in the Sales menu. This is a pre-entry command, that is, it takes the current input as its parameter. Parameter can be a fixed discount
DISCPAYM Based on existing command “DISCAM”. The user will type in total amount to pay for a specific line (specific item) and the system will calculate the line discount amount.
DISCPR The Discount Percentage command. It allows you to give a discount percentage on a specific sales line. This is primarily meant to be used as a menu key in the Sales menu. The value of the discount can be passed as parameter; else it takes the current input as its parameter.
DISRESET Discount Reset. A function to set the line discount to zero on a specific line  except for total discount of transaction. Only in US version.
DIST_LOCATION Distribution Location
DR-CANCELRESERV Cancel the reservation that has been loaded in the Reservation Desk panel. Confirmation is required. LS ACTIVITY
DR-CONFIRMRESERV Change/Reserve and clear – Reserv. Panel
DR-CONTINFO_NEWMEMB Create a new member from the contact information that has been entered. The New Member panel appears. LS ACTIVITY
DR-NEWRESERV Start with a new reservation in the Reservation Desk panel. If a confirmed dining reservation is active in the panel and unconfirmed changes have been made, the program gives you the chance of canceling the action. LS ACTIVITY
DR-PRERESERVE Pre-reserve the dining reservation that is being worked on in the Reservation Desk panel. Reserves place in the dining area even though information is still missing regarding the customer and his preferences. This command can be assigned to a column or columns in the availability grid in the Reservation Desk panel. By clicking the time slot the reservation should start, the place is reserved if available. After the rest of the information has been entered, the reservation is confirmed. LS ACTIVITY
DR-REMOVE_MEMBER Remove member from reservation. LS ACTIVITY
DR-RESETSELECTION Reset what has been selected in the Reservation Desk panel. If a confirmed dining reservation is active in the panel, the reservation stays active but any changes that have been made after the last confirmation will be taken back. LS ACTIVITY
DR-SECTION_FILTER  Select one or more dining areas, and filter the Availability List so that the Available Dining Tables field shows how many dining tables are available in the selected dining area sections. The command uses the number of guests requested and the maximum and minimum capacity of dining tables and combined dining tables to calculate how many dining tables are available for each interval. The command uses the attribute assigned to the dining area as Din. Area Section Attr. Code to calculate the availability. LS ACTIVITY
DR-SETDATE Set the date for the reservation by pressing the relevant date button on the calendar in the Reservation Desk panel. LS ACTIVITY
DR-SETDININGAREA Set the dining area where the customer wants to make a reservation from within the Reservation Desk panel. LS ACTIVITY
DR-SETGUESTNO Set the number of guests for the reservation from within the Reservation Desk panel. LS ACTIVITY
DR-SETPERIOD Select the dining period for the reservation from within the Reservation Desk panel. Used to filter the availability grid in order to quickly see the availability during the requested reservation time. LS ACTIVITY
DR-SHOW_RESERV_PANEL Show the Dining Reservation Desk panel. LS ACTIVITY
DR-SHOWALLOCPANEL Show the Allocation Panel from within the Reservation Desk for the dining area and date selected. If a confirmed reservation is active in the Reservation Desk panel, the Allocation Panel shows the active reservation in the reservation grid. LS ACTIVITY
DR-SHOW_CONTACTINFO Add or edit contact information for reservation. LS ACTIVITY
DR-TABLEATTR_FILTER Filter available tables by table attribute. LS ACTIVITY
DRIVEPAY The driver payment command – brings up another set of menu buttons, listing the drivers with orders assigned and a command to finalize the trip (trip total). DELIVERY
DRIVER A command that is assigned to buttons representing delivery drivers – the program automatically uses this command to build up a button list of delivery drivers – to assign orders to a driver, view orders assigned to a driver, and finalize a trip for the selected driver. DELIVERY
DRIVERS The assign to driver command – brings up another set of menu buttons, listing the drivers available for assigning orders to and commands to assign an order to a driver, print the receipts for the driver trip and closing the trip (optional). DELIVERY
DTP_NEXTMONTH POS Calendar: Get next Month
DTP_NEXTYEAR POS Calendar: Get next Year
DTP_PREVMONTH POS Calendar: Get previous Month
DTP_PREVYEAR POS Calendar: Get previous Yea
DTP_SELECT POS Calendar: Select Date
DYNLOOKUP This command will lookup the item table using a filter. Filters can be on Item Category, Product Group or Special group. On execution of this command the program sets the filter and then runs POS Lookup form. ADDITIONAL
DYNMENU This command will dynamically create a menu for example for a product group or category. ADDITIONAL
DYNPOPINFO Dynamic popup menu for Info-sub-codes ADDITIONAL
DYNPOPVAR Dynamic popup menu for Variants ADDITIONAL
EDIT_GRID_REC Edit the Active DataGrid Record
EDIT_LOOKUP_REC Edit the Active Lookup Record
EDITACTIVITY Parameter field to edit. Edits the current selected activity in Journal Lines. (Web POS supported only) LS ACTIVITY
EDITPARTICIPANTS Edit activity participants LS ACTIVITY
EDITRESERVATION Parameter field to edit. Edits the current selected reservation in Journal Lines. (Web POS supported only) LS ACTIVITY
EDITSCHEDULE Allows the POS operator to reschedule any activity that is already in POS journal lines for payment processing. Example: the user is selling or booking an activity using the SELLPRODUCT or SELLPRODLIST POS commands, and the resulting activities are already in the POS journal lines when the client might ask to change the date or time of the appointment. Using this POS command, the user can reschedule to a new date or time and the journal lines will be updated accordingly. Thus the user does not have to void the existing lines and create a new appointment to adjust to the requested appointment date or time change. LS ACTIVITY
EFT_FINISH_SESSION Manually finish EFT session.
EFT_GET_XREPORT Invokes the EFT X-Report process.
EFT_LAST_TRANS Get last EFT transaction from PED
EFT_PRINT_LAST_TRANS Print last EFT transaction
EFT_RECOVER Check if last failed Card Entry can be recovered.
EFT_START_SESSION Manually start EFT session.
EMAIL_C Emails a copy of a receipt that is selected from the transactions list.
EMAIL_IC Emails a copy of an invoice that is selected from the transactions list.
EMAIL_LAST_C Emails a copy of a receipt for the last transaction.
EMAIL_LAST_IC Emails a copy of an invoice for the last transaction.
ENTER This command represents the enter key.
ERRCHK The Error Check command. This is an internal command, used to trap error states.
EXDATE This is an internal command. It prompts for a credit card expiry date.
FAB-CHANGEORDERTIME Takeout contact information: Change order date and time
FAB-CONTACTCOMMENT Takeout: Contact Comment panel
FAB-CONTACTINFO-OPEN Takeout: Open Contact Information panel
FAB-CONTINFO-INPUT Takeout: Contact information
FAB-EDITCOMMENT Takeout contact information: Edit comment
FAB-FINALIZE Takeout: Finalize order
FAB-NEWORDER Takeout: Create new order
FAB-NOSHOW Takeout: No-show order
FAB-OPENORDER Takeout: Open order
FAB-OPENPOS Takeout: Open journal
FAB-ORDER-FILTER Takeout: FAB order filter
FAB-SHOWCOMMENT Takeout contact information: Show comment
FBP_STATUS Frequent buyer program status
FILTER Filters the selected column with the text in the input box.
FIND This command only works within a Lookup form. In a Lookup form, this command filters the list alphabetically by description. For example, in the Item Lookup form, you can set up the program to find items, that have A to D as initial letters, by setting ‘..D’ as parameter to the FIND function.
FINDADDR This command allows you to find a customer by address or change the sorting to the address field. By placing this command in a lookup form menu, you can change the sorting of the lookup form. When this command is active the system will search by address every time the ENTER key is pressed.
FINDNAME This command allows you to find an item/customer by name or change the sorting to the name field. By placing this command in a lookup form menu, you can change the sorting of the lookup form. When this command is active the system will search by name every time the ENTER key is pressed.
FINDNO This command allows you to find by number or change the sorting to number. This is the default search method. By placing this command in a lookup form menu, you can change the sorting of the lookup form to number. When this command is active the system will search by number every time the ENTER key is pressed after a search string has been entered. When searching for an Item number the system will search the vendor item numbers if an item number matching the search string is not found.
FINDPHONE This command allows you to find a customer by phone or change the sorting to the phone field. By placing this command in a lookup form menu, you can change the sorting of the lookup form. When this command is active the system will search by phone every time the ENTER key is pressed.
FINDPOST This command allows you to find a customer by post code or change the sorting to the post code field. By placing this command in a lookup form menu, you can change the sorting of the lookup form. When this command is active the system will search by post code every time the ENTER key is pressed.
FLOAT_ENT The Float Entry command. It starts a float entry transaction. It can only be started as a new transaction. It is not possible to create item lines during this transaction. Only tender types that have the Counting Required field in the Tender Type table checked can be entered. To conclude the transaction the POST or repeat of the FLOAT_ENT command must be called.
FUNCTIONAL_PROFILE Opens current functionality profile
GETNEXT Shows the next un-finalized order in line in the Sales POS window. When you have a new transaction on the screen, you use this command to find the next order in queue and populate the Sales POS window with it so you can add to or finalize this order.
GETORDER This command is used to get a sales order from Navision Standard into the POS.
GIFTASSIGN Assign a sale to gift list
GIFTLIST Gift list lookup
GIFT_MARK_ALL Select All POS Lines for Gift Receipt GIFTRCPT
GIFT_MARK_LINE Select POS Line for Gift Receipt GIFTRCPT
GIFT_PRINT_LAST Print Last Transaction Gift Receipt GIFTRCPT
GIFT_PRINT_POSTED Gift Receipt for Selected Transaction GIFTRCPT
GO_FIRST The Go To First Line command. It can be used in a lookup form menu to go to the first line in the list.
GO_LAST The Go To Last Line command. It can be used in a lookup form menu to go to the last line in the list.
GR_CHECK Print Global Refund Check
GUEST Current guest number HOSPITALITY
GUEST_CHG Change guest allocation HOSPITALITY
GUEST_TGL Toggle guest view
HARDWARE_PROFILE Opens current hardware profile
HARDWAREPROFILE Lets the user change hardware profiles.
HELP The Help command. This command puts the POS into Help mode. If a Help message is assigned to the next menu button pressed, it will be displayed on the operator display.
HOSP_KOTCOMMENT Text. If a parameter is blank, enter a text (max. 100 characters) via an alphabetic keyboard.  Sends a comment (the parameter or what has been typed in) for the selected order to the kitchen via KOTs. A KOT must exist for the order before the comment is sent. This applies only to KOTs not yet served. For display stations: The comment appears on all chit displays on the KOTs associated with the order. For printer stations marked as showing KOT comments: The KOTs associated with the order are printed again with the comment at the top of the printout. HOSPITALITY
HOSP_TENDDECL End of Day Tender Declaration HOSPITALITY
HOSP-CHANGETBLINFO Change Table Info – Cover, Guest ID, Staff HOSPITALITY
HOSP-EDIT-GUESTID This command displays the keyboard input panel and allows you to change the guest ID currently associated with the dining table. HOSPITALITY
HOSP-OPEN-POS Open up Sales POS, new or existing order HOSPITALITY
HOSP-ORDEREDIT Edit selected order directly HOSPITALITY
HOSP-SEARCHNAME Brings up a dialog where you enter a name to search the order list by. HOSPITALITY
HOSP-SEARCHORDER Brings up a dialog where you enter a receipt number to search the order list by. HOSPITALITY
HOSP-SEARCHRESET Resets filters put on by search. HOSPITALITY
HOSPSTATUS Get Descr. of Dining Tbl. Status HOSPITALITY
HOSPSTATUS_CHANGE Change Status (Table or Kitchen) HOSPITALITY
HOSPSTATUS_RESET Reset Table and Kitchen status HOSPITALITY
IMENU As the MENU command, this command displays a new submenu. It takes as parameter the menu ID of the menu to be opened. When the IMENU command calls a menu, the menu is modal, that is, it stays active on top of other windows in the program until the user has responded to the message the window is giving.
IMMEDIATE Immediate Mode
INCEXP The income/expense command. It takes as a parameter an entry from the income/expense account list. This is a pre-entry command, that is, it takes as parameter the amount of the income or expense. The INCEXP can be used in both Sales and Payment menus.
INCEXPDISCAMOUNT Income/Expense discount amount. Creates an Income/Expense POS Line that is a discount of the current Income/Expense POS Line. Works similar to DISCAM for Item POS Lines. In button properties with the command it is mandatory to enter the store’s income or expense account number for the button’s parameter.
INCEXPDISCPERCENT Income/Expense discount percent. Same as INCEXPDISCAMOUNT, except the discount is percentage of the POS Line. In button properties with the command it is mandatory to enter the store’s income or expense account number for the button’s parameter.
INFO_K This command is used to manually associate an infocode with a sales line or transaction through a menu. It takes as parameter an infocode from the Infocode table.
INFO_REQLI_ALL This POS command requests the processing of infocodes with any triggering for the item selected in the Sales POS window. This is for example used for Item Modifiers. If there is a maximum selection for the infocode, the program will not allow you to request infocodes if the maximum selection has been reached already (that is, this is not the first time you request infocodes for this item). You can only add to your selection for an infocode on request, not remove or change your existing selection. To change an item that has been added through an infocode, you need to void the added item and request infocodes again.
INFO_REQLI_REQ This POS command requests the processing of infocodes with triggering On Request for the item selected in the Sales POS window. Infocodes with triggering Automatic will not be dealt with (they have already come up when the item was selected). This is for example used for Item Modifiers. If there is a maximum selection for the infocode, the program will not allow you to request infocodes if the maximum selection has been reached already (that is, this is not the first time you request infocodes for this item). You can only add to your selection for an infocode on request, not remove or change your existing selection. To change an item that has been added through an infocode, you need to void the added item and request infocodes again.
INFO_SUB Infosubcode
INFOCODE This is an internal command. It prompts for an infocode.
INSTR Instructions
INTERFACE_PROFILE Opens current interface profile
INV_LOOKUP The command INV_LOOKUP is used with the transaction server to get the inventory information on an item. It must be used from a lookup menu. Further information can be found in the Transaction Server Setup Guide.
ISSUECOUPON This command can issue coupons manually
ITEM This is an internal command. It prompts for an item number.
ITEM_POINT_OFFER This command is used to manually trigger an Item Point Offer
ITEMATTRIB Shows the attributes that are linked to the item on the POS ADDITIONAL
ITEMFINDER This command can be set on a Menu Button and will open the item finder when executed.  If a Item Finder Setup code is set as a Parameter the Item finder will run that Item Finder Setup otherwise show a list of available Item Finder Setup for the user to pick from.
ITEMNO This command initiates an item sale and takes item number as input.
ITEMPIC This command shown a picture of an item and initiates a sale. The command takes an item number as parameter. The item picure is shown and the user can select OK button to select the item or select Cancel. If no picture belongs to the item, the command works the same way as command PLU_K, that is the command initiates a sale. ADDITIONAL
KDS-COURSE-FIRENEXT Fires the next course to be fired manually. The caption of the function is displayed in the <#COURSE-FIRENEXT> tag. If blank, there is no course that is next to be fired manually. HOSPITALITY
KDS-COURSE-OVERV-COU Shows the Coursing Overview panel for a coursing KOT. A coursing KOT is created when you send a coursing overview to the kitchen. The current order then contains item lines with coursing menu types (menu types linked to menu courses in the restaurant). HOSPITALITY
KDS-COURSE-OVERV-SEL Selects a menu course in the Coursing Overview panel. HOSPITALITY
KDS-COURSE-OVERV-SEN Sends coursing overview to the kitchen. If there are item lines in the current order with coursing menu types (menu types linked to menu courses in the restaurant), the program creates a coursing KOT. The coursing KOT can be viewed in the Coursing Overview panel. Note: Command is obsolete, use KITCHEN_SENDTOKDS instead. HOSPITALITY
KDS-COURSE-OVERV-TAS Selects a course task in the Coursing Overview panel. HOSPITALITY
KDS-COURSE-SERVENEXT Serves the next course to be served. The caption of the function is displayed in the <#COURSE-SERVENEXT> tag. If blank, there is no course that is next to be served. HOSPITALITY
KDS-COURSTASK-FIRE Fires the selected menu course in the Coursing Overview panel. You assign this command to the coursing task “Fired” in the Coursing Tasks page (the task that is linked to the “Fired” coursing kitchen status). HOSPITALITY
KDS-COURSTASK-RUN Runs the selected coursing task in the Coursing Overview panel. You can assign this command to any task  in the Coursing Tasks page, except for the coursing task “Fired” (the task that is linked to the “Fired” coursing kitchen status) and the coursing task “Served2  (the task that is linked to the Served coursing kitchen status). HOSPITALITY
KDS-COURSTASK-SERVE Served the selected menu course in the Coursing Overview panel. You can assign this command to the coursing task “Served” in the Coursing Tasks page (the task that is linked to the “Served” coursing kitchen status). HOSPITALITY
KITCHEN_RUSHINKDS For the selected KOT, marks it with status RUSH and pushes it in front of the other KOTs in the KDS. HOSPITALITY
KITCHEN_SENDTOKDS Send Order to Kitchen Display System HOSPITALITY
KM-FUNC Kitchen Monitor Functions
KM-PANEL Kitchen Monitor Panel
LASTMENU This command is used in submenus. When called within the submenu the program will return to the parent menu. Note that the command does not support nesting and will always return to the last open menu.
LAY_ADJUSTMODE With this command you switch into Adjust mode. Then you can move dining tables around and join or disjoin tables. A Logon menu command. It must have Post Command MENU with Post Parameter the POS menu with the Adjust Mode commands. HOSPITALITY
LAY_CHANGE With this command you change the current dining table layout for the hospitality type by choosing a new dining table layout from a lookup that shows all available layouts for the hospitality type. Available when in Adjust mode only. HOSPITALITY
LAY_DESIGN_ALL With this command you revert to the design layout for all dining tables in all screens for the current dining table layout. In other words, you reset all dining tables to their original position. Available when in Adjust mode only. HOSPITALITY
LAY_DESIGNMODE With this command you switch into Design mode. Then you can design the size and position of the dining tables in all existing layouts for the hospitality type. A Logon menu command. It must have Post Command MENU with Post Parameter the POS menu with the Design Mode commands. HOSPITALITY
LAY_NAMEDISPLAY With this command the description of the button changes to a text that describes the mode and displays the code of the dining table layout you are designing or adjusting. The button is disabled. Available in Adjust or Design modes only. HOSPITALITY
LAY_SAVEADJUST With this command you save the changes you have made when adjusting the current layout. Available when in Adjust mode only. HOSPITALITY
LAY_SAVEDESIGN With this command you save the changes you have made to the layout you are designing. Available when in Design mode only. HOSPITALITY
LAY_SELLOOKUP With this command you change the dining table layout you are designing for the hospitality type by choosing a new dining table layout from a lookup that shows all available layouts for the hospitality type. By changing the layout in Design mode, you do not change the dining table layout selected as the current dining table layout for the hospitality type. Available in Design mode only. HOSPITALITY
LAY_USEASDESIGN With this command you save the current layout as design layout. Available when in Adjust mode only. HOSPITALITY
LINE_DISC_OFFER This command is used to manually trigger a Line Discount Offer
LINE_DN The Line Down command. It moves the cursor one line down.
LINE_SELECT Select/Mark the active line in the active DataGrid
LINE_UP The Line Up command. It moves the cursor one line up.
LINEMSG Line Message – Item, Cat, Prod Gr.
LINK2PAR This command is only used as post command with PLU_K Function moves new (last) inserted line to the parent group selected by the cursor.  If the parent group ends just above the last line, then the last line is added to the parent group by setting its parent line no.  If the parent group is not located at the end of the transaction, then the new line is moved from the end to the last line in the parent group. Optional 2 parameters: PRICE Fixed price for the linked item, including Zero price and UOM Fixed unit of measure, otherwise inherit UOM from base item HOSPITALITY
LOADING_CARD_READ_HO Read Loading Card in hospitality POS ADDITIONAL
LOCATIONPROF_EMAIL Location Profile E-Mail
LOCATIONPROF_PRINT Location Profile Printing
LOGIN Login new staff in sale
LOGOFF This command logs the user off the program and returns to the login screen.
LOGON Starts certain sales type sale on POS
LOOKUP This command opens a lookup form. It takes as parameter the lookup form ID. If no parameter is given, it will open the lookup form most likely to be the desired one. For example, if the lookup command is called while the application is in sales mode it will do a lookup in the ITEM lookup form.
LOOKUP_PROPERTIES Opens lookup card for current lookup
LOTNO New POS command for processing and validating Lot no.
MACRO This command allows you to assign a macro to a menu key, using the Macro ID from the POS Macro List as parameter.
MARK Mark line
MARK_ALL Is used to mark all the lines for return.  This menu is then used on the new Lookup List called Refund that has been added to the Lookup List Setup.  (POS -> Setup -> Functionality -> Lookup List). HOSPITALITY
MARK_GUEST This POS command marks all lines that have the same guest number as the selected line. If the line has 0 guest number, all lines with 0 guest numbers will be selected. Double clicking a line has the same affect as pressing a button with this command. HOSPITALITY
MARK_SPLIT Mark lines in same split group HOSPITALITY
MATRIXDATE Internal Matrix function
MEALMENU_INSERT Insert meal plan menu items
MEMBER_EMAIL Send new member email to HO
MEMBERCARD For the Member Card number to be entered
MEMBERCONTACT Member Contact Management
MENU This command displays a new submenu. It takes as parameter the menu ID of the menu to be opened.
MENU_PROFILE Opens current menu profile
MENU_PROPERTIES Show menu profile card
MENU1 This command is used to call the Menu 1 defined in the Menu Profile Card.
MENU2 This command is used to call the Menu 2 defined in the Menu Profile Card.
MENU3 This command is used to call the Menu 3 defined in the Menu Profile Card.
MENUTYPE Menu Types: Starter, Main Course, Desert, … for table orders. The POS Trans. Line record will be marked with the menu type. HOSPITALITY
MENUUPDATE A command that updates the POS menus according to meal planning menus. Used a POS Action run command with the Start POS and Staff Logon Action Trigger. MEALPLAN
MGRKEY The Manager Login Key command. It allows a store manager to log into a POS terminal without the user (cashier) logging out. This is useful in cases when an action requires manager login.
MOBILESCAN Opens a device camera for scanning in the LS Nav App on a mobile device.
MODMENU Modifier menu
MSGPOSACT Message displayed by POS action, used for testing purposes
MSRCARD This command gives the option to insert the MSR information manually.
MTYPE_CHG Changes the menu type (such as starter, main course, desert) for the selected order line. Populates the POS Pop-up form with the menu types of the restaurant. When you select the menu type you want to change to, the program marks the selected line with this menu type.
NAVIGATE Navigate to given URL
NEG_ADJ This function is used to start a negative adjustment transaction. Use POST command is used to finalize the transaction
NEG_QTY The Negative Quantity command. When called, and an Item is scanned, the item will become a negative quantity within the transaction. If the POS terminal is set to allow Return in Transaction, item returns can be performed with this command. If item return is not allowed in a sale, the application will not allow negative quantity scanning exceeding the quantity of the item already in the transaction. This is a pre-entry command, it takes the current input as parameter.
NEW_GRID_REC New Grid Record
NEW_LOOKUP_REC New Lookup Record
NEWSALE Create new sale
NEXT Play next media in playlist
OK This command only works in a lookup form. It works as an OK button for the current line.
OPEN_DR The Open Drawer command. It opens the cash drawer.
OPEN_TABLE Allows POS to enter a table that is already locked by another POS HOSPITALITY
OPERATOR Change operator
PAGE_DN The Page Down command. It moves the cursor one page down.
PAGE_UP The Page Up command. It moves the cursor one page up.
PANEL_PROPERTIES Open panel card for current panel
PARTICIPANTS List participants from current Journal line LS ACTIVITY
PASSWORD This is an internal command. It prompts for an authorization password for an EFT operation if required.
PAUSE Pause media
PAY_GUEST Pay for selected guest HOSPITALITY
PAYACTIVITY Pay from list of activities LS ACTIVITY
PAYCURRACT Pay current selected activity LS ACTIVITY
PAYCURRCLIENT Pay current clients activities LS ACTIVITY
PAYCURRRES Pay current selected reservation LS ACTIVITY
PAYM_ACC With the PAYM_ACC command the POS has the functionality for customer payments into his account.
PAYM_ACC_INV Used to tender a payment to a customer account – more specifically an Invoice No.  Statement posting will later in the process apply the tendered payment to the supplied Invoice No.   Tender code is supplies as the parameter for this command.
PAYMEMDEPOSIT Each member contact can be allowed to have a deposit account where he or she can deposit a payment and then use it later as payment for goods and services. This command will use the member’s deposit balance (if any) as payment for the currently active sale. LS ACTIVITY
PAYMENT Payment state
PAYRES Pay reservation from List LS ACTIVITY
PHYS_INV The function is used to start a physical inventory registration on the POS. Use POST command to finalize the transaction
PICK Click and Collect Picking
PICK_ALL Customer Order, pick all lines. This POS command is used in the Customer Order Pick Panel to pick all items for a selected order. This will update the status of all lines in the Customer Order from “To Pick” to “To Collect” in the POS panel. The actual status update on the Customer Order will happen when you push the Confirm button on the POS panel.
PICK_LINE Customer Order, pick a line. This POS command is used in the Customer Order Pick Panel to manually select line-by-line the items the staff is confirming having picked for the order. This will update the status of the selected line from “To Pick” to “To Collect” in the POS panel. The actual status update on the Customer Order will happen when you push the Confirm button on the POS panel.
PLAY Play media
PLAY_URL Play given media URL
PLAYLIST Play playlist with given playlist ID
PLU_K This command initiates an item sale and takes an item number as parameter. Example. Button for item no. 5000. Setup: Command PLU_K, Parameter 5000 (or any item no.), Post Command LASTMENU, optional (LASTMENU returns to previous menu after the button has been pressed).
PLU_ZERO Sell item with zero price
POPUP Selects Popup menu, the popup menu must be exited before selecting another button
POPUP_AREASECTIONS Dining Area Section pop-up
POPUP_ATTRIBVALUES Displays a pop-up menu with the option values of the attribute in question.  Called by the ATTR_SELECT command for attributes that have value type Options Value or Weighted Option. Uses the panel #POP-FULL-COMPACT.
POPUP_CLEAR_SEL Pop-up – Clear selection
POPUP_G_ATTRIBVALUES Displays a pop-up menu with the option values of the attributes in the attribute group in question.  Called by the ATTR_GR_SELECTOPTION command for attribute groups that have value type Options Value or Weighted Option. Uses the panel #POP-FULL-COMPACT that displays a row per attribute and has as many columns as the attribute with the largest number of option values.
POPUP_GROUPSEL Pop-up – Group selection
POPUP_HOSPTYPES Hospitality Types Pop-up
POPUP_MULTSEL Pop-up – Multiple selection
POPUP_OK Pop-up – OK
POPUP_QTYCH Pop-up – Change quantity
POPUP_SALESTYPES Sales type Pop-up. Used in code only.
POPUP_SINGLESEL Pop-up – Single selection
POPUP_TABLESEATS Dining Table Seats Pop-up
POPUPADDBENEFITS POPUPADDBENEFITS is a command which is added to the POS Menu Profile ADDITIONAL
POPUPBOM Dynamic pop-up for display and exclusion of recipe ingredients. Populates the POS Pop-up form with the ingredients of the current recipe item. Inserts selected ingredients as transaction lines with –quantity (unit of measure and quantity are linked to the recipe), directly after the recipe line. If the recipe line has quantity > 1, the program splits the line into two lines, one with quantity 1, the other with the rest of the quantity. The program inserts the excluded ingredients after the line with quantity 1. HOSPITALITY
POPUPCROSS Dynamic pop-up for cross-selling (with and without groups). The command behaves the same as the POPUPINFO and POPUPINFOGR commands. ADDITIONAL
POPUPDEALMOD The program uses this command internally when it processes the DEAL command and the deal in question has deal modifiers. ADDITIONAL
POPUPDELDRIVERS Delivery Drivers Pop-up
POPUPDELTYPE Delivery Type Pop-up
POPUPEXPE Dynamic pop-up for expense account lookup. Populates the POS Pop-up window with the expense accounts marked as Lookup on POS in the current store. Returns the POS Menu Line with Post Command ‘INCEXP’ and Post Parameter as the selected account. ADDITIONAL
POPUPINCEXPAMOUNT External POS commands “POPUPINCEXPAMOUNT” that supports Income/Expense fixed amount pop-up selection. This command is registered as part of POS additional POS Module. This command requires Interface and Menu profile pop-up setup ADDITIONAL
POPUPINCO Dynamic pop-up for income account lookup. Populates the POS Pop-up window with the income accounts marked as Lookup on POS in the current store. Returns the POS Menu Line with Post Command ‘INCEXP’ and Post Parameter as the selected account. ADDITIONAL
POPUPINFO Dynamic pop-up for infocodes and infocodes with groups. Populates the POS Pop-up form with the subcodes of the current infocode. If the current infocode is a group infocode, it populates the form with the infocodes in the group as groups, and the subcodes of each infocode. Runs the form if maximum selection has not been reached already (the function is then called on request, not automatically, and there may have been previous selection). Previous selection cannot be changed in the POS Pop-up form. Lines created must be voided in the Sales POS window. ADDITIONAL
POPUPINFOGR Dynamic pop-up for infocodes and infocodes with groups. Populates the POS Pop-up form with the subcodes of the current infocode. If the current infocode is a group infocode, it populates the form with the infocodes in the group as groups, and the subcodes of each infocode. Runs the form if maximum selection has not been reached already (the function is then called on request, not automatically, and there may have been previous selection). Previous selection cannot be changed in the POS Pop-up form. Lines created must be voided in the Sales POS window. ADDITIONAL
POPUPMENUTYPE Sets the menu type (such as starter, main course, desert) for the following order lines. Populates the POS Pop-up form with the menu types of the restaurant. After you select the menu type you want to take orders for, every item you select for the order is marked with this menu type. To select items for a different menu type, set the desired menu type again and select the items for this menu type. HOSPITALITY
POPUPMIXMATCH Dynamic pop-up for mix & match lookup (internal use). Populates the POS Pop-up window with the mix & match offers the current item is included in and marked. Returns the selected items in the Selected Quantity table and the mix & match offer selected. ADDITIONAL
POPUPMODIFIER Dynamic pop-up for item modifiers (with and without groups). The command behaves the same as the POPUPINFO and POPUPINFOGR commands except that maximum selection is also calculated by adding item modifiers and recipe ingredients (taking into account exclusion of recipe ingredients). Furthermore, it checks on the number of item modifiers after the selection and sets prices to zero according to the item specification. ADDITIONAL
POPUPPMTMETHOD Delivery Payment Method Pop-up
POPUPSERIAL Dynamic lookup for serial and lot number lookup (internal use). Opens a lookup window with the serial and lot numbers of the current item. Returns the selected number as parameter. ADDITIONAL
POPUPUOM Unit of Measure Pop-up to change the default Unit of measer for the item in the sales line ADDITIONAL
POPUPVAR Dynamic pop-up for variants (internal use). Populates the POS Pop-up form with the variants codes of the current item. Returns the variant code selected as Current-Input. ADDITIONAL
POPUPVAR_EMBED Variant Pop-up Embedded in Pop-up
POST The posting command. It posts the last sale on the POS terminal.
POSTINVOICE A customer invoice can be posted.
POSZOOM This POS Command is internal in the POS and has one optional parameter, POS Zoom Code, which when supplied runs POS Zoom specifically for that code.  With no supplied parameter a list of all available POS Zoom codes will be displayed on a list.
PREAUTH Pre-authorize payment with card. Creates a new Pre-Auth Transaction. Parameter can be used to have a fixed amount.
PREAUTH-FINALIZE Finalize a pre-authorized payment with card. Used to fully authorize a Pre-Auth Transaction. Pre-Auth is converted to a payment. The amount can only be lowered and will be lowered by the POS, if the transaction balance is lower than the Pre-Auth amount.
PREAUTH-UPDATE Update pre-authorized payment with card. Used to update an existing Pre-Auth Transaction with new or same amount.
PREPAYACT Enter deposit to reservation LS ACTIVITY
PREPAYCURRACT Enter deposit to current active reservation LS ACTIVITY
PREPAYCURRES Enter deposit to current active reservation LS ACTIVITY
PREPAYRES Enter deposit to reservation LS ACTIVITY
PRESELLPRODUCT Presell allowance of any activity product LS ACTIVITY
PREV Play previous media in playlist
PRICE This is an internal command. When an item requires keying in price, the PRICE command will prompt for the price of an item to be keyed in.
PRICECH The Price Change command. When called, you can change the price in a sales line.  The value of the price can be passed as parameter; else it takes the current input as its parameter.
PRICECHK The Price Check command. When called, you can check the price of items without creating sales entries.
PRINT_C This command prints a copy of receipt. When calles from the transactions list, you can select the receipt to be printed. When called from elsewhere, the program prints out the receipt for the last transaction.
PRINT_CID Print Cash In Drawer
PRINT_IC The Print Invoice Copy command. When called the program prints a copy of an invoice.
PRINT_K Print kitchen slips
PRINT_LAST_C Print slips from last trans.
PRINT_LAST_IC Print invoice from last trans.
PRINT_SL Prints a provisional slip for the current transaction
PRINT_TIPS Internal command to print a separated Tips report on POS. The Tips report is automatically printed as a part of XYZ-Reports.
PRINT_X Prints the X-Report for the POS.  This report prints various sales statistics for the POS, such as gross sale, discounts, sales per tender type, and more. The X-Report prints the POS totals since the last Z-report that was done for the POS. X-Report never zeros the POS totals as the Z-Report does.
PRINT_Y The Y-Report prints the same report as X and Z, but the totals in the Y-Report are either  from the last Z-Report or Y-Report, the one that was done last. Y-Report does not zero the totals for the Z-Report or the X-Report.
PRINT_Z Prints the Z-Report for the POS. This report prints the same sales statistics for the POS as the X-Report, but zeros the POS totals for the POS after printing.
PRINT-RES-CHARGES Same as PRINT-RES-SLIPS except collects all extra charges to the reservation into one report and prints.
PRINT-RES-SLIPS Prints a copy of all receipts that have been charged to the activity reservation. The related reservation will be figured out based on the current journal lines, but if no activity or activity reservation related lines are in the POS journal, the user will be presented with a list of activities to search.
PRINTDRIVER A command on the Assign to Driver menu that prints the receipts for the orders currently assigned to the selected driver. The program automatically sets up this command on a menu button DELIVERY
PRINTSPLIT A command that prints pre-receipts for a split transaction – OPOS printing – one slip per guest HOSPITALITY
PROCESS_MSG Process Retail Message
PURGE This is an internal command, used for purging transactions according to value in the Days Transactions Exists on the POS functionality profile.
PUSH2CURREVENT Send POS items to activity reservation LS ACTIVITY
PUSH2EVENTS Send items to confirmed activities LS ACTIVITY
PUTBACK Click and Collect Put Back
PUTONHOLD Click and Collect Put On Hold
QC_DENOM Quick Cash Amount Denominator
QC_EXACT Quick Cash Exact Amount
QTY This command can be called to avoid multiple scans of the same product, that is, instead of scanning 10 units of the same product you can scan once, call the command and key in 10. The value of the quantity can be passed as parameter; else it takes the current input as its parameter.
QTYCH The Change Quantity command. It allows you to change the quantity of an item in a sales line. The value of the quantity can be passed as parameter, otherwise it takes the current input as its parameter. + Increases quantity in lookup menu – Decreases quantity in lookup menu
QTYREASON Change Qty and set Reason Code
QUANTITY The Quantity command. This is an internal command. When, for example, an item requires keying in quantity, the command will prompt for the quantity of the item to be keyed in.
READ Read Retail Message
REC_TGL Toggles receipt printing on or off.
RECEIVE Receive Customer Order Line
RECOMMEND To get product recommendation from LS Recommend. The recommendation is based on items that are likely to be sold together with the item(s) currently in the shopping basket. LS RECOMMEND
REDEEMPRODUCT Redeem pre sale allowance LS ACTIVITY
REFRESH Refresh current webpage
REFRESH_MENUS The command pops up a status dialog while it forces the POS to get the latest design data changes (Menu Profiles) from the database (f.ex. when replicating data with the Data Director). The shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F5 was also added to the POS to run the command.
REFRESHRES Refreshes the POS Web Template for a hotel reservation to see if any new activities or charges have been added to the reservation while it is open. LS Central for Hotels
REFRESHGROUPRES Refreshes the POS Web Template for a group hotel reservation to see if any new activities or charges have been added to the reservation while it is open. LS Central for Hotels
REFUND The Refund command. When called, it starts a Refund transaction. All lines in the transaction will be posted as refunds. This command is primarily meant as a menu key in the Start menu.
REFUND_MARK_ALL Mark all Lines for Refund
REFUND_MARK_LINE Mark Line for Refund
REFUNDALLOWANCE Asks the POS operator for the Allowance Number based on pre-sold allowances, and issues refund journal lines based on the outstanding balance of the allowance. LS ACTIVITY
REJECT Click and Collect Reject
REM_TENDER The Remove Tender command. When called, it starts a Remove Tender transaction. It can only be started as a new transaction. It is not possible to create item lines during this transaction. Only tender types that have a checkmark in the Counting Required field can be inserted. To conclude the transaction the POST command must be called.
RENTUNIT Sell rental based on unit number LS ACTIVITY
REORDERMENUTYPE Round No. 0 of POS lines with the menu type selected as parameter for the command are copied and the new lines are marked as Round No. = + 1. Used to copy another round of items. If there is no parameter then all Menu Types are selected. HOSPITALITY
REORDERQTY This command can be used to reorder the current POS line and all its linked lines (such as modifiers). It is useful when you want to increase the quantity of an item with modifiers and quantity change is not allowed. The item along with all linked lines are copied and entered as new items in the transaction. If there is no Parameter, the user enters the quantity to reorder in a numeric pad. If quantity change is allowed for an item, reordering 2 of the item results in a new line with the item and quantity is 2. If quantity change is not allowed, the program creates 2 sets of the current line and its linked lines. HOSPITALITY
REQ_DESCR_TRANSSTART Request Description on Trans. Start (Sales Type)
RESCHEDULE Reschedule an activity on the POS. LS ACTIVITY
RESERV_STATUS This command is used to mark the POS menu line that contains the GUI – skin, font, and glyphs – for the Reservation status that is selected as parameter. HOSPITALITY
RESET Resets the form (remove filters, and select the default column with default sorting etc.).
RESETALL Reset all Controls
RESLIST Show a list of reservations on the POS. Optional parameter is the Reservation Type as filter. The list is filtered on current location. (Web POS supported) LS ACTIVITY
RESMATRIX Build Resource Matrix View LS ACTIVITY II
RETRNACTDEPOSIT Return security deposit from List LS ACTIVITY
RETRNCURACTDEPOSIT Return security deposit from current list LS ACTIVITY
RETRNCURDEPOSIT Return security deposit from current list LS ACTIVITY
RETRNRESDEPOSIT Return security deposit from List LS ACTIVITY
ROUND_TGL Toggle Round view
ROUTE This command allows the user to change the ‘route’ of printing, for example in case of a printer failure. Routes must have been set and defined in the printer selection. HOSPITALITY
RUNOBJ The run object command. This command can be use to run any object specified in the Run Object Table. This command takes the ID of the Run object as parameter. If no parameter is specified, then the ID of a run object be entered into the input field of LS Retail POS before running this command.
SALESP This command is used to insert or change the Sales Person. It does not affect the cashier. The command works according to the parameter settings in the POS Functionality Profile.
SCALE_DIALOG This command displays information regarding the scale certification. The information includes the certification number, a list of the checksums, and if those are valid. You can also display this dialog window by using the key combination Ctrl+Shift+F6.
SEARCHCONTACT Search for Member contact and assign to sale LS ACTIVITY
SEARCHRENTAL Lets the user search rental reservations with assigned rental units to return. LS ACTIVITY
SEARCHUNITS Lets the user list through all rental units with status In Rental and assign a unit to be returned. LS ACTIVITY
SEAT_GUESTS With this command you give a free dining table the Guests Seated status or give a seated table the Free status. If the table is occupied or not available, seating is not possible. HOSPITALITY
SELECTCUST This command selects a customer.
SELECTRES Select active booking reservation.
SELLMATRIX Show & Sell Activity Matrix LS ACTIVITY II
SELLMATRIX2 Show & Sell Activity Matrix LS ACTIVITY II
SELLMEMDEPOSIT Each member contact can be allowed to have a deposit account where he or she can deposit a payment and then use it later as payment for goods and services. The member contact is not required to have an Account Receivable account (Customer Account) for this purpose. LS ACTIVITY
SELLPACKAGE Sell package activity (parameter product) LS ACTIVITY
SELLPRODLIST Sell from list of activity products LS ACTIVITY
SELLPRODUCT Sell single activity product LS ACTIVITY
SELLRESOURCE Sell activity from resource (parameter resource) LS ACTIVITY
SERIALNO This command is used to register a serial number.
SERVICECH This command is used to add a line of service charge to a sale.  This can be done manually via button, or executed automatically (i.e. via total pos action).  After execution, the ‘pre-receipt’ will be automatically printed. This command has 3 parameters: a) Account -> The Income account to register the amount (Must be existing in store as income account) b) Percentage -> The percentage of the total which should be calculated as service charge c) MinGuests -> The number of guests required (minimum) to add the service charge automatically This command will ask for confirmation before adding the service charge. HOSPITALITY
SET_REQ_DEL_DATE Set Requested Delivery Date
SETMENU Changes the current menuprofile of a POS, allows new set of menus HOSPITALITY
SETSALESTYPE_LINES Used to change the line sales type temporarily to a new sales type set by the command parameter. For a normal POS, the field Store Sales Type Filter in the Store determines the sales types that are available to change into. It cannot be blank. For a Hospitality POS (hospitality type is active), the POS Terminal Sales Type Filter determines the available sales types. If this filter is blank, the sales types of all the hospitality types in the restaurant are available to change into.
SETSALESTYPE_TRANS Used to can change the transaction sales type to a new sales type set by the command parameter. For a normal POS, the field Store Sales Type Filter in the Store determines the sales types that are available to change into. It cannot be blank. For a Hospitality POS (hospitality type is active), the POS Terminal Sales Type Filter determines the available sales types. If this filter is blank, the sales types of all the hospitality types in the restaurant are available to change into.
SHOW_CONTINFO_PANEL Takeout: Show Contact Information panel
SHOW_KITCHEN_STAT This POS command displays the Kitchen Status window for the selected order. The Kitchen Status window allows waiters to keep track of the kitchen process for individual order lines. The window shows how many minutes ago order lines were last printed to a printer station. If you are using a kitchen monitor the window also shows for each line the quantity that has been sent to kitchen or is waiting to be sent, the quantity that has been started and the quantity that has been finished in the kitchen. For each status it shows the minutes that have passed since the order line received the status. The window also shows the quantity that is marked as “waiter confirmed”. HOSPITALITY
SHOW_TAKEOUT_PANEL Takeout: Show Takeout panel
SHOWDATATABLE Shows a DataTable View on the Active Data Grid
SHOWDISCINFO Displays information about the discounts which ahve been triggered for the active sale
SHOWPANELMODAL Shows panels in Modal state. Lets you display pop-up panels that are smaller in size than the whole POS.
SPLITBILL Split Bill (2 Grid Window) HOSPITALITY
STAFF_ENTRY Staff work time starts ADDITIONAL
STAFF_EXIT Staff work time ends ADDITIONAL
STAFF_PROPERTIES Show staff card
START When called, this command will start a sale. It is primarily meant as a menu key in the Start menu.
STOP Stop playing media
STATION This command allows the user to set a certain item line to be printed at a certain station.  This makes the printing mechanism to ignore any setting for the item regarding station printing, and just use the forced setting.  If used as ‘post command’ in the button setup, then an item can be forced to be printed at certain station when the kitchen/station printing is activated.  Note: If the above commands are used as ‘post commands’, then the parameters are set by the ‘post parameter’ field, and not through the additional parameters, since the post command does not support external parameters. HOSPITALITY
STORE_PROPERTIES Opens current store card
STYLE_PROFILE Opens current style profile
SUSPEND This command suspends an active transaction or retrieves a suspended transaction, if no transaction is active. SUSPEND can, for example, be assigned to a key on the fixed keyboard or as a menu key in the Sales menu.
SWIPE_LEFT Swipe Panel to Left
SWIPE_RIGHT Swipe Panel to Right
TBL_AVAIL With this command you make a dining table (the table is not available) available. If the selected table is part of a group, only the main table of a joined group can be made available. Available in Adjust or Design modes only. Can be a part of the button context menu for the hospitality type. HOSPITALITY
TBL_CANCELALLOCATION When a free dining table is allocated to a reservation (the first reservation of the day for the table), the pop-up menu that appears when you press the dining table includes this command. By clicking it you cancel the reservation allocation to the dining table. The action is completed on confirmation by default. You can override this by subscribing to the OnBeforeCancelTableAllocationFromOfflinePanel event HOSPITALITY
TBL_CHGTBLTYPE With this command you change the dining table type of the selected dining table. The dining table type controls the seating capacity and shape of the dining table. When you execute this command, the system displays a lookup for the available dining table types that you can choose from. Available in Design mode only. HOSPITALITY
TBL_COPYSIZE With this command you copy the size and shape of the selected dining table. Available in Design mode only. Can be a part of the button context menu for the hospitality type. HOSPITALITY
TBL_JOINING With parameter JOIN – With this command you ask the program to join the selected dining table to the dining table it is adjacent to (not on top off). With parameter DISJOIN – With this command you ask the program to disjoin the joined group of dining table (the selected dining table is then the main table of the group) or disjoin the selected dining table from the group (the selected table is not the main table of the group). Available in Adjust or Design modes only. HOSPITALITY
TBL_MOVEDESIGN With this command you move the selected dining table to its design location. Available in Adjust mode only. HOSPITALITY
TBL_MOVELOOKUP_SCR With this command you move the selected dining table to the screen you select from a lookup of available screens in the hospitality type. If the selected table is part of a group, the whole group moves to the selected screen. Available in Adjust or Design modes only. HOSPITALITY
TBL_MOVENEXT_SCR With this command you move the selected dining table to the next screen down. If the selected table is part of a group, the whole group moves to the next screen down. Available in Adjust or Design modes only. HOSPITALITY
TBL_NOTAVAIL With this command you make a dining table (the table is available) not available. If the selected table is part of a group, only the main table of a joined group can be made not available. If there is an open transaction on the dining table, the table becomes not available after the transaction is finalized. Available in Adjust or Design modes only. Can be a part of the button context menu for the hospitality type. HOSPITALITY
TBL_PASTESIZE With this command you paste the copied size and shape to the selected dining table. Available in Design mode only. Can be a part of the button context menu for the hospitality type. HOSPITALITY
TBL_ROTATE With this command you rotate a table 90 degrees. The X1 coordinate becomes the Y1 coordinate and the Y1 coordinate becomes the X1 coordinate. Available in Adjust or Design modes only. HOSPITALITY
TD_BAGNO Bank Bag No. Text field. In Tender Declaration when counting amount to bank, a number of bag can be set. Type the bag no. in the input field and press the Bag No. button. The Bag No. is shown in the Statement.
TD_BANK Amount to Bank. At the End of Day Declaration type in amount taken to bank in the input field and press the Bank button. If the input field is left empty and Bank button is pressed, the Denominations form is invoked and amount to bank can be filled by denominations. At Statement posting, the amount taken to bank is posted to General Ledger according to the Bank Account No. on Tender Declaration tab in the Cash Tender Type.
TD_CANCEL Cancels Declaration.
TD_CLEAR Clears what has been filled in the forms Float Entry, Tender Declaration, Denomination or Remove Tender.
TD_COUNTED Counted amount in Float, Declaration or Remove Tender. Type the amount in the input field and press Counted, the Amount field is filled. Or leave the input field empty and press Counted and the Denominations form is invoked, if denominations are set for the tender type.
TD_DECLARE Tender Declaration. Invokes Tender Declaration form.
TD_ENDDAY Tender Declaration. Invokes End of Day form.
TD_FLOAT Not used by the new Cash Management system.
TD_OFFLINE Tender Decl. from Offline panel
TD_OPEN_DR Open drawer in Tender Declaration state.
TD_POST Post tender declaration
TD_PRINT Print in Float, Declaration, Remove Tender or Denomination. Prints declaration reports, what is on the screen on an OPOS printer.
TD_SAFE Amount to Safe, Declaration or Remove Tender. Type the amount in the input field and press Safe, the Safe Amount field is filled. Or leave the input field empty and press Safe and the Denominations form is invoked, if denominations are set for the tender type.
TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES POS Web Template properties
TENDER_D Used by the old Cash Management system. The Tender Declaration command. It starts a Tender Declaration transaction. It can only be started as a new transaction. It is not possible to create item lines during this transaction. Only tender types that have a checkmark in the Counting Required field can be entered. To conclude the transaction the POST command must be called.
TENDER_DISC_AT_TOTAL Tender discount offer at total
TENDER_K The Tender Key command. This command takes as parameter a Tender Type Code from the Tender Type table. When called it defines the tender type used in the transaction. This command can be combined with other commands (see the Amount command) or it can be used to define tender type keys, for example a Cash key for the fixed keyboard (with the parameter set to 1 (or cash)). This is a pre-entry command, i.e. it takes current input as its parameter (the tender type). Example 1.  Payment with cash. Setup: Command TENDER_K, Parameter 1 (1 is the tender type for cash). Example 2.  Payment with check. Setup: Command TENDER_K, Parameter 2 (2 is the tender type for check). Example 3. Payment with card. Setup: Command TENDER_K, Parameter 3 (3 is the tender type for card). Example 4. Payment with currency. Setup: Command TENDER_K, Parameter 6 (6 represents currency), Post Command CURR_K, Post Parameter CAD (or the currency intended to use) .
TENDER_K_AM Works like the TENDER_K command except that it can have an Amount in the Parameter as well as the Tender Type ID.  This amount can be dynamic by using a POS Tag (e.g. <#Balance> as the amount.
TENDNO This command initiates a use of tender and takes a tender type as input.
TENDOP Used by the old Cash Management system. This is an internal command, used for setting the POS into a tender operational mode.
TERMINAL_PROPERTIES Opens current terminal card
TEST_WEBSERVICE Open Current Webservice Url in Browser
TEXT Free text entry
TEXT_LINKED Enter free text linked to selected line
TICKETPRINT Internal: Ticket printing LS ACTIVITY
TIMEREG Staff management time registration
TIPS This command is used to add a Tips entry to a sale. It will require the user to enter the amount. The command has two parameters: a) Account -> The Income account to register the amount (Must be existing in store setup as income account) b) Infocode -> To be able to get tip totals  pr. staff via the infocode features HOSPITALITY
TOACCOUNT This is a command to post to customer account.  Post Command is set as TENDER_K and Post Parameter 4 (4 is the tender type for customer account).
TOOLTIP Request tooltip data on hover. This command is triggered by the POS when a user hovers a button with a HelpID, or if the button’s POS Command has a HelpID. The HelpID is sent as parameter and can be used to customize the Tooltip’s behavior. By default, the POS displays the content of the HelpID, which can be HTML, but it also supports displaying a simple text or even a website via URL.
TOOLTIP_TOGGLE Enable/disable tooltips. Used to enable or disable all tooltips in the POS for the current session. By default, tooltips are disabled.
TOTAL This command moves the application from sales mode to payment mode.
TOTDISCAM The Total Discount Amount command. It allows you to set a discount amount on the total amount. This is a pre-entry command, that is, it takes the current input as parameter. Parameter can be fixed discount amount
TOTDISCPR The Total Discount Percentage command. It allows you to set a discount percentage on the total amount. This is a pre-entry command, that is, it takes the current input as parameter. Parameter can set the total discount percentage
TOTPAYAM Total payment amount. The system calculates total discount from total amount to pay.
TOUCHKEYB The touch keyboard command. It runs a touch keyboard on the POS terminal screen.  A description of the input can be passed as parameter.
TOUCHNUMP The touch numpad command. It runs a touch numpad on the POS terminal screen.  A description of the input can be passed as parameter.
TR-A-ALLOC_CAPFILTER This command is only active during allocation. It filters the dining tables by showing only tables with min. capacity <= guests to allocate and with max. capacity >= guests to allocate. The text Showing tables for x guests appears in the  tag. The command works like a toggle – when activated, if the filter is not on, the filter is applied. If the filter is on, the filter is removed. Then the  tag shows Show Tables for x Guests. HOSPITALITY
TR-A-CAP_FILTER Table Alloc. – Seat Capacity Filter HOSPITALITY
TR-A-CREATE_NEW-W Table Reserv. – Create wait list entry for table HOSPITALITY
TR-A-DISJOIN_TABLES Table Reserv. – Disjoin free joined tables HOSPITALITY
TRANS_TBL Transfers the current Order in whole or selected (marked) lines to another (new or existing) order HOSPITALITY
TR-A-MINCAP_FILTER Table Alloc. – Mininum Capacity Filter
TR-A-RESET_FILTERING Table Alloc. – Reset Filtering in Panel HOSPITALITY
TR-A-SEARCH_GUESTID Table Alloc. – Search for Guest ID/Name HOSPITALITY
TR-A-SEAT_AT_TABLE Table Alloc. – Seat Walk-in at Table HOSPITALITY
TR-A-SECTION_FILTER Displays a pop-up with the available sections of the dining area. If you select one section, the program shows only those dining tables within the selected section. HOSPITALITY
TR-A-SHOW_RESERV Table Reserv. – Show reservation for Table HOSPITALITY
TR-A-SHOW_SEAT_MENU Table Alloc. – Show Seating Menu HOSPITALITY
TR-A-TABLE_FILTERING Table Alloc. – Dining Table Filter HOSPITALITY
TR-A-TIMELINEINTERV Used internally. Signals that a timeline interval button has been pressed. HOSPITALITY
TR-A-TIMELINEINTHDR Used internally. Signals that a timeline interval header button has been pressed. This results in a time scroll to the interval time. HOSPITALITY
TR-A-TIMELINEPAGE Used internally to implement paging of dining tables in the timeline view of the Allocation panel. HOSPITALITY
TR-A-TIMELINETABLE Used internally. Signals that a timeline table button has been pressed (the leftmost buttons with the table names). HOSPITALITY
TR-A-TIMELINE-FUNC This command is used to scroll by time in the Allocation panel. HOSPITALITY
TR-A-VIEW_CHANGE This command changes the allocation view to the view specified as parameter (graphical layout, dining table list or timeline view). HOSPITALITY
TR-A-VIEW_TOGGLE This command toggles the allocation view between the views specified as parameters (the timeline view plus graphical layout and/or dining table list). HOSPITALITY
TR-R-ALLOCATE Table Reserv. – Allocate reservation HOSPITALITY
TR-R-ALLOCATE_DAY Table Alloc. –  Run automatic allocation. This command runs automatic allocation for the reservation entries on the day plan selected in the Dining Allocation panel. HOSPITALITY
TR-R-ALLOC_FILTER Table Alloc. –  Filter on Allocated Entries HOSPITALITY
TR-R-ALLOC_OR_SEAT Table Reserv. – Seat/Allocate reservation HOSPITALITY
TR-R-CANCEL_ALLOC Table Reserv. – Cancel allocation HOSPITALITY
TR-R-CHANGE_ALLOC Table Reserv. – Change allocation HOSPITALITY
TR-R-CHANGE_GUESTNO Table Reserv. – Change No. of Guests HOSPITALITY
TR-R-CREATE_NEW-R Table Reserv. – Create new reservation entry HOSPITALITY
TR-R-CREATE_NEW-W Table Reserv. – Create new wait list entry HOSPITALITY
TR-R-EDIT_RESERV Table Reserv. – Edit Reservation HOSPITALITY
TR-R-FILTERING Table Reserv. – Filter on Reservation Entries HOSPITALITY
TR-R-LIST_CONFIRM Table Reserv. – Confirm a waiting list reservation  in the Dining Reservation List panel HOSPITALITY
TR-R-LIST_EDIT Table Reserv. – Edit reservation in the Dining Resrvation List panel HOSPITALITY
TR-R-LIST_HISTORY Table Reserv. – Show all dining reservations HOSPITALITY
TR-R-LIST_RESET Table Reserv. – Reset the Dinng Reservation List panel HOSPITALITY
TR-R-LIST_SETDATE Table Reserv. – Set date for search in the Dining Reservation List panel HOSPITALITY
TR-R-LIST_SHOW Table Reserv. – Open a panel with a list of dining reservations HOSPITALITY
TR-R-LIST_SHOW_ACT Table Reserv. – Open a panel with a list of active dining reservations (confirmed, walk-ins, and on waiting list). HOSPITALITY
TR-R-LIST_SHOW_CONF Table Reserv. – Open a panel with a list of confirmed dining reservations. HOSPITALITY
TR-R-LIST_SHOW_WAIT Table Reserv. – Open a panel with a list of waiting list dining reservations. HOSPITALITY
TR-R-LIST_SHOW_WALK Table Resrv. – Open a panel with a list of walk-in dining reservations HOSPITALITY
TR-R-LIST_TOGDINAREA Table Reserv. – Toggle a dining area filter in the Dining Reservation List panel. The reservations for the dining area are made visible or not visible. HOSPITALITY
TR-R-SEARCH_RESERV Table Reserv. – Search Reservation HOSPITALITY
TR-R-SEAT_AT_TABLE Table Reserv. – Seat reservation at Table HOSPITALITY
TR-R-SHOW_ALLOCATED Table Reserv. – Show Allocated Tables HOSPITALITY
TR-R-SHOW_CSTAT_MENU Table Reserv. – Show Change Status Menu HOSPITALITY
TR-R-STATUS_CHANGE Table Reserv. – Change status of reservation HOSPITALITY
TR-RESET_PANEL Table Reserv. – Reset Panel HOSPITALITY
TR-SHOW_ALLOC_PANEL Table Alloc. – Show Allocation Panel HOSPITALITY
TR-SHOW-STATISTICS Table Alloc. –  Show Dining Area Statistics HOSPITALITY
TR-STOP_ALLOCATING This command lets you stop allocating. It clears the state of the allocation panel so that the system no longer expects you to select a table to allocate a reservation/waiting list entry. HOSPITALITY
TRAINING This command starts a training session. This can only be done at the beginning of a new transaction. During the training session, all operations are normal, except that it is not allowed to use credit cards or print Z-Reports. The transaction is posted normally, but with a flag signaling that this is a training transaction. Such transactions do not affect statements or statistics. A message indicating the training mode is printed on all receipts. To end a training session the command must be run again.
TRANSF_LINE This POS command is used within the Transfer Lines window to perform most tasks. No parameter – moves selected lines to the destination transaction. Parameters: BACK – transfers selected lines (lines that have been moved only) from the destination transaction back. CANCEL_LAST – cancels the last move CANCEL_ALL – cancels all moves, window appears the same as when you opened it. TRANSF+ – increases the number of transferring guests by 1 (cover number of destination + 1, cover number of origin – 1) TRANSF- – decreases the number of transferring guests by 1 (cover number of destination – 1, cover number of origin + 1) GUEST+ – increases the guest number of the selected lines by 1 (destination only) GUEST- – decreases the guest number of the selected lines by 1 (destination only) HOSPITALITY
TRTBL_CANCEL Transfer table cancelled HOSPITALITY
UOM This command is used for specifying the unit of measure of an item.
UOMCH This command allows you to change the Unit of Measure (UOM) code for the sold Item on the POS. If the UOM code is changed the POS application will calculate the unit price for the Item (different sales price for different UOM). This command can be used as a Post Command for the command PLU_K. This command can also be used alone to toggle through all UOM codes for existing item in the POS line.
UPDATE A Generic Command to Update Record in List/Form
VARIANT This is an internal command. If an item is defined with various variant codes, it prompts for a variant code.
VIEW_CUST_OPEN_INV View Cust. Ledg Entries
VIEW_CUSTOMER This command is used to view customer details and to create a new customer.
VIEW_DATAENTRY_BAL Internal POS  command to support lookup for data entry balance.
VIEW_VOUCHER_ENTRIES Internal POS  command  to support lookup for voucher entries
VIEWALLOWANCE Uses the current main menu area to display a menu which shows all allowances issued related to the current selected reservation. (See SELECTRES command). These menu options display how many items have already been consumed of each selection, and set the background to a Cancelled theme, if all items have been consumed. The POS operator can use the buttons to assign the items to the current sale to be consumed by the allowance process, if applicable. LS ACTIVITY
VIEWATTRIBUTES View activity attributes. (Web POS supported) LS ACTIVITY
VIEWUNITS View the units assigned on the selected rental activity in the current journal lines. (Web POS supported) LS ACTIVITY
VOID Calling this command will void the current transaction.
VOID_AND_COPY_TR Void a posted transaction (use void functionality as is ) and copy it to the POS Journal, all except payment lines. Copy items, coupons and discounts.
VOID_L The Void Line command. When  called and no lines are marked, it voids the current line. If there are marked lines, the command voids each marked line, if possible. If some of the marked lines cannot be voided, the error message for each one is displayed in a message banner that appears for a few seconds.
VOID_TR The Void Transaction command. It allows you to void a recent transaction.
VOIDPP Void prepayment on transaction
VOIDPP_L Void prepayment on trans. line
WAITFORDRAWERCLOSE Blocks the POS until a cash drawer has been closed. If this POS command is invoked (sent to the POS add-in), the POS user interface will block with a message until the given drawer has been closed.
WAITINGLIST Shows list view of all activities with status Waiting list in the current activity location. LS ACTIVITY
WEB_REPL Internal command to trigger Web Replication from the POS. This command issues a Web Service request to get all updated tables and updates the data on the POS with the data in the Web Service response. Internal command to trigger Web Replication from the POS. This command issues a Web Service request to get all updated tables and updates the data on the POS with the data in the Web Service response.
WEBSERV_MONITOR With the WEBSERV_MONITOR command, you open up the Web Service Monitor used to give an overview over the communication bewteen the offline call center and restaurant databases. The monitor window shows the latest result of the various processes going on and from here you can run the processes directly. You add the command to the Logon menu of the Hospitality POS Client DELIVERY
WEIGHT This is an internal command. When a weight item is sold the command is triggered, and prompts for the item to be weighed.
WHPOPUPACCOUNT Warranty Hotel Account
WINSLIP To print a simple pre-slip via Windows printing.  Prints splits pr. seat if sale is split. HOSPITALITY
ZERO_CHK Check zero balance
ZOOM_GRID_REC Zoom the Active Data Grid Record
ZOOM_LOOKUP_REC Zoom the Active Lookup Record
ZOOM_TABLE Zoom table