27 12, 2018

Inventory Lookup functionality at stores

By |2020-05-03T08:14:16+00:00December 27th, 2018|

Below are the steps to take in order to use the Inventory Lookup functionality at stores. Check the pos inventory lookup field on store card. Check the pos inventory lookup field on each Item category [...]

14 05, 2017

Navisiontech is now LS Retail Gold Partner

By |2020-05-03T08:00:42+00:00May 14th, 2017|

This is a bit late, but we still wanted to share this exciting moment. Sarasota, FL — March 15, 2017 — Navisiontech, Inc., the international-based full service ERP Partner for LS Retail, is pleased to [...]

28 11, 2015

LS Retail & Chargelogic

By |2020-05-03T07:14:30+00:00November 28th, 2015|

New Verifone MX925 pinpads are much nicer than Verfone MX860, but there is currently an issue with MX925 only using 40% of the screen with Chargelogic, but we are working on resolving this issue and [...]


7244 Kyle Court, Suite 5
Sarasota, FL 34240 USA
T: (941) 914-9144

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Navisiontech Inc. is a leading provider of end-to-end integrated, adaptable Business Applications built on a Microsoft Dynamics Platform. Navisiontech is here to help companies drive business and operational excellence through technology.
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